AEMA Releases Study on Consumer Resilience

In an event co-located with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Winter Policy Summit in Washington, D.C., Advanced Energy Management Alliance released a paper, authored by DeWayne Todd, on consumer attitudes regarding energy resilience.

Detailed interviews with end-use customers and representatives of large aggregators of consumers revealed the following findings:

  • Consumers are a critical part of the dialogue on electric grid resilience, but the topic is not always well understood;
  • Expectations about the role of the consumer are shifting;
  • Distributed energy supply options for consumers continue to grow;
  • Holistic customer solutions can bring resilience to the electric grid; and
  • Dozens of examples exist where customers have contributed to the resilience of the electric system and supported system restoration efforts.

The paper covers issues of most importance to consumers and the level to which different types of consumers understand and value resilience.

Download the full AEMA paper here: Consumer Perspectives on Grid Resilience (1578 downloads )



AEMA Advocates For Policies That Empower And Compensate Customers.