On July 22, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted in part the AEMA complaint regarding exclusion of demand response from PJMs Capacity Performance Transition Auction (Docket ER15-623). Only one Commissioner dissented (Commissioner Clark), with all other Commissioners agreeing that demand response should be included in the auction. Commissioner Moeller issued a statement in support of the ruling and referenced the AEMA argument as “it correctly pointed out that some non-generation resources will require investments and adjustments in order to qualify as Capacity Performance Resources, just as some generation resources will not.” This is an important win for demand response and for AEMA as the industry and consumer leader: to ensure that demand response is not left out of the tool kit for customers and grid operators to save energy and money.
AEMA Releases Book of Distributed Energy Resource Case Studies
In New Orleans last week, as state utility regulatory commissioners were meeting for the NARUC annual conference, AEMA hosted a Big Easy breakfast complete with