FERC Rejects DOE NOPR, Starts New Proceeding

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) today issued an order on the Department of Energy’s (“DOE”) Noticed of Proposed Rulemaking, closing that proceeding and opening a new one to examine resilience more fully.

AEMA is pleased with the decision to take additional time to adequately build a record on resilience. Commissioner LaFleur indicated her strong support for innovation and competitive markets and Commissioner Glick asserted that it is important to consider the potential benefits to resilience of distributed energy resources, energy storage, and micro-grids.

AEMA had submitted comments and reply comments in the proceeding, questioning the DOE’s underlying assumptions regarding coal and nuclear resilience–in particular given their performance during the Polar Vortex relative to demand response–and recommending that FERC take additional time to examine the attributes of and need for resilience.

Katherine Hamilton, Executive Director
January 8, 2018




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