See original press release on Business Wire here.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 1, 2016) –The Advanced Energy Management Alliance (AEMA) was pleased today with the adoption by the Organization of PJM States, Inc. (OPSI), a group of regulatory commissions—all located within the PJM independent system operator’s thirteen states and District of Columbia purview—of a resolution in support of demand response.
“We wholeheartedly agree with the OPSI resolution in defense of demand response, a critical consumer and grid resource that is in jeopardy under the current PJM Capacity Performance rules,” stated Katherine Hamilton, Executive Director of AEMA. “Demand response has saved consumers billions of dollars in PJM and has kept the grid stable during summer peak times and as well as during the Polar Vortex. In light of the threats to demand response posed by PJM’s capacity performance execution, these regulators joining forces shows a strong commitment to state investment in demand response.”
The regulators recognized the benefits of demand response in their resolution, noting that, in addition to cost reductions and reliability, demand response contributes to market competitiveness. Demand response is a term for a group of programs that allow consumers to reduce their energy use during peak times of energy demand in exchange for payments that reflect the value of that reduction. Demand response benefits consumers, is a proven resource that enables more efficient and cleaner operation of the electricity grid, and provides cost savings to everyone who uses electricity.
In addition to PJM, AEMA is engaged in other wholesale markets, including MISO, ERCOT, CAISO, and New York ISO, and sees this resolution as a model for other regions. Hamilton continued, “AEMA encourages regulatory leadership in other regions to adopt similar initiatives within their own ISOs to integrate the flexibility and value of demand resources into those markets.”
About AEMA:
The Advanced Energy Management Alliance (AEMA) is an association of providers and supporters of demand response and advanced energy management, united to overcome barriers to nationwide use of demand response for an environmentally preferable and more reliable grid. AEMA advocates policies that empower and compensate customers to manage their energy usage and make the electric grid more efficient, more reliable, more environmentally friendly, and less expensive.